- broadcast(ing)
- радиовещательный; передавать по радио, вещать; радиопередача, радиовещание, трансляция
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
broadcast — {{#}}{{LM B45388}}{{〓}} {{[}}broadcast{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Difusión de datos, especialmente de sonido o imagen, a todos los dispositivos de una red informática. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [bródkast].… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
ING Cup (football) — ING Cup is a pre Olympics football tournament held at Hong Kong Stadium, Hong Kong from 30 July to 2 August 2008. Netherlands, Cameroon, U.S.A and Ivory Coast competed for the ING Cup as part of their teams final preparation for the 2008 Beijing… … Wikipedia
Broadcast traffic — Broadcast traffic, in computer networking, is traffic that is simultaneously addressed to all computers connected to the network, as opposed to unicast or multicast traffic. This is in contrast to the model SLP offers.In TCP/IP networking (layer… … Wikipedia
Broadcast engineering — Infobox Occupation name= PAGENAME caption= official names= Broadcast engineer * Broadcast Systems Engineer. * Broadcast IT Engineer. * Broadcast Network Engineer. * Broadcast Maintenance Engineer. * Studio Broadcast Engineer. * Outside Broadcast… … Wikipedia
Broadcast Protection Discussion Group — The Broadcast Protection Discussion Group (BPDG) is a working group of content providers, television broadcasters, consumer electronics manufacturers, information technology companies, interested individuals and consumer activists. The group was… … Wikipedia
Broadcast address — In computer networking, a broadcast address is an IP address that allows information to be sent to all machines on a given subnet rather than a specific machine. The exact notation can vary by operating system, but the standard is laid out in RFC … Wikipedia
broadcast — broad|cast1 [ brɔd,kæst ] (past tense and past participle broad|cast or broad|cast|ed) verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to send out messages or programs to be received by radios or televisions: broadcast (something) on something: The… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Broadcast designer — A broadcast designer is a person who designs the graphics and media incorporated in television productions. A broadcast designer may have a degree in Digital Media (or a similar degree), or is self taught in the software needed to create such… … Wikipedia
broadcast — broad•cast [[t]ˈbrɔdˌkæst, ˌkɑst[/t]] v. cast cast•ed, cast•ing, 1) sbz to transmit (programs) from a radio or television station 2) sbz to speak, perform, or present on a radio or television program 3) agr. to cast or scatter abroad over an area … From formal English to slang
air·ing — /ˈerıŋ/ noun, pl ings : an occurrence in which something is aired: such as a [singular] : an occurrence in which something (such as an idea) is made known to many people so that it can be discussed His ideas deserve an airing. [=his ideas deserve … Useful english dictionary
re|cord|ing — «rih KR dihng», noun. 1. a record used on a phonograph. 2. the original transcription of any sound or combination of sounds: »A recording of the Liverpool performance is to be broadcast on April 7 (Sunday Times). 3. = tape recording. (Cf. ↑tape… … Useful english dictionary